When you think of Net-a-Porter, what comes to mind is probably designer bags, fine jewelry, $1k shoes, and investment outerwear. Yes, it has all of these beautiful things available to purchase, but it also has a very strong selection of lower-priced (but equally beautiful) items. With brands such as Ganni, Reformation, Frankie Shop, and Skims on its roster, you won’t come up empty-handed if you’re looking for stylish, trend-forward items in the under-$250 range.
Net-a-Porter’s options in this price range are so strong, in fact, that you might even find yourself faced with too many options to choose from, but I’m here to help you narrow it down. I write eight stories a week for Who What Wear, which means that I spend a lot of time scrolling through the thousands of items on Net-a-Porter. I’ve been taking note of the very best under-$250 options and I’m ready to share them. Scroll on to shop my picks, all of which are sure to boost your fall wardrobe.