As someone who is admittedly obsessed with handbags, I consider it my fashion-editor duty to keep you up to date on the comings and goings of handbag trends. The nice thing about bag trends is that they tend to stick around a lot longer than other types of trends. Given that they can be a significant investment, it makes sense.

You may have noticed an underlying theme when it comes to the bag trends of today—most are revived styles from the ’90s and 2000s, which is in keeping with what’s happening with fashion, in general, these days. But you most likely clicked into this story to find out what bag trends people aren’t wearing at the moment. I’m here to tell you that too.

Below, I’m highlighting 7 handbag trends I hardly ever see anymore (for now, at least), and 7 that you can’t escape these days (but why would you want to?).

One of the biggest handbag revelations of the past few months is that Balenciaga moto bags are back and better than ever, just like many other Y2K trends. But a Y2K trend that hasn’t returned as of yet is the mini duffle bags of yore.

Sometimes metallic leather bags are a thing, sometimes they’re not. Right now, they’re not. But just like the rest of fashion this season, saturated colors are thriving. Think bright pink, orange, kelly green, and canary yellow.

This one goes without saying but I’m saying it anyway: ’90s-style shoulder bags are still reigning supreme when it comes to current bag trends, much to my personal delight. Several years ago, the trend that reigned supreme was undoubtedly bucket bags, but they’ve long since peaked. I don’t doubt that they’ll make an eventual comeback though.

To be fair, micro-mini bags are very cute and they’re certainly not obsolete, but I find that people are gravitating toward more practical bags these days, which bags that can’t even hold your phone are not. Speaking of practical, totes (specifically, logo totes) 

I honestly miss baby backpacks and I hope they make a comeback soon (I have a feeling they will). In the meantime, I’ll be leaning into the equestrian trend that’s so chic and timeless.

So fanny packs and crystal-embellished bags are basically polar opposites, but I suppose they both fit under the category of novelties. There’s still a time and a place for fanny packs (i.e. Disneyland), but the trend has cooled off. Crystal-embellished bags, on the other hand, are white-hot (thanks Prada!).

Once-popular circle bags have bitten the dust for now, but that’s ok because if you like top-handle bags (which many circle bags were/are), classic iterations of those are very popular. The Hermès Kelly bag is flooding Instagram right now, but there are plenty lower-priced options to choose from.

Next up, the designer bags that will reign in 2022.