Germany’s inflation rose to 2.2 per cent YoY in November 2024, up from September’s 1.6 per cent and August’s 1.9 per cent.
Month-over-month, CPI fell by 0.2 per cent.
Clothing and footwear prices increased by 0.6 per cent MoM.
Energy prices dropped 3.7 per cent YoY, slowing the inflation rate.
Core inflation, excluding food and energy, reached 3.0 per cent.
Month-over-month, CPI fell by 0.2 per cent.
Clothing and footwear prices increased by 0.6 per cent MoM.
Energy prices dropped 3.7 per cent YoY, slowing the inflation rate.
Core inflation, excluding food and energy, reached 3.0 per cent.