When it comes to shopping for designer bags online, one of my favorite things to do is sort from low to high (on the sites that allow it). Cheap designer bags aren’t really a thing, but I always like to know what the least-expensive ones are, and I’m sometimes even pleasantly surprised. For example, last summer I purchased a Loewe bag (that I’ve included below) that I would have thought would’ve cost at least a few hundred dollars more. The more expensive a bag is doesn’t always mean the better it is, so a slightly cheaper style can be a smart buy for many reasons.
Below, I’ve highlighted some of the most coveted designer bag brands (i.e. Gucci, Baleciaga, Prada, and more), and chosen the most “worth it” of the least expensive bags from each. They’re all perfect for summer (and some even for year-round use) and will elevate all your outfits exponentially—trust me.