While there are plenty of cool new bags on the market right now, including many of the buzzy designer ones that are stirring up conversation, there is a larger trend on the rise that is worth noting: the shopper tote. Big bags have been around in collections for the last several years, with everything from oversize totes to upsized clutches. The XXL bags grew to be such a talking point and dominant trend in the fashion space that an Instagram account called @thebigbagclub debuted, humorously featuring digitally supersized bags.

Today’s bags aren’t quite as huge as they were in past seasons, making the shopper totes on the market right now more wearable than the giant versions we saw a few years back. They’re still large enough to hold whatever you might need to carry around from day to night, though, making them a practical take on a cool bag trend. With new major bags on the market including the Saint Laurent Icare maxi tote and the Chanel 22 bag, you can expect to see more of those specific bags in heavy demand, as well the shopper tote trend as a whole. Ahead, see how the fashion set is wearing them now, and shop our edit.

Prada’s raffia totes were huge last summer, but the popularity of the bags has only continued into 2022. Cool neutrals like black and white have been in the collection since the beginning, but you can also find bold new colors making their debut.

If you’ve been on the hunt for an easy tote to carry your laptop in day-to-day, you can’t go wrong with a classic black style. Look for pieces with clean, simple lines.

New on the market this spring, the Saint Laurent Icare maxi bag is a style you can expect to see more of in 2022. Finished with quilted leather, gold YSL letters, and top handles, the sleek bag is meant to be worn over your shoulders. Finding a place for all of your belongings has never looked so chic.

Chanel’s 22 bag is the brand’s latest cult item. The quilted leather bag comes in several sizes and colors and is finished with classic chain straps. This bag is already taking over in 2022.

If you’re on the hunt for something minimal and modern with a twist, look no further than Little Liffner. Its iconic Tulip totes check all of those boxes.

This outfit is making yet another case for a simple black leather tote. There are so many great options on the market, ranging from affordable styles to investment pieces from brands like The Row.

Keep it simple and timeless with a leather-trimmed canvas shopper tote. There’s nothing better for running around the city and carrying everything you need to bring along.

There are so many great totes sitting at Zara.

This leather looks so buttery.

Keep it simple.

How pretty is this shade?

Finished with cool tassels.

The Row has minimal bags mastered.

Classic Chanel.

A big yes to this orange.

So sleek.

A great suede-like finish.

Loewe always designs the most stunning bags.

Neutrals go with everything.


This doubles as a great travel tote.

For a standout color that still passes for a neutral.

Khaite never misses.

That rich-brown shade is so stunning.

Next up: I Made a Shopping List of 30 Pieces All the Cool Fashion People Are Wearing RN