We get it—if you’ve only ever used an applicator tampon, the idea of using your finger to insert a tampon may seem uncomfortable. But if you think about it—using your finger is the natural choice. After all, it is your body, so why not start using the tools you were born with for the smoothest application possible?

German gynecologist Dr. Judith Esser knew “natural was best” when she created o.b.® in the 1940s. By doing away with the need for an applicator, she found a simpler alternative to traditional tampons that still provided excellent protection. The result? A non-applicator tampon that is kinder on your body and the environment.

“Those who try o.b.®, love o.b.®,” says Amanda Rabbito, Senior Brand Manager, Edgewell Personal Care, parent company to o.b.®. “Once they get over the hesitation of using a digital tampon, they are loyal to the brand. It’s a win-win because o.b.® provides amazing protection, and it’s better for the environment.”

If you aren’t convinced yet, here are three reasons to try o.b.® tampons.

You were born with the best applicator

Your finger beats a plastic applicator any day. Vaginas are curved—and all in their unique way—so using your finger allows you to follow your natural curves and place the tampon where it feels most comfortable.

It may take a few tries, but it’s easier than you think. Once you’ve removed the tampon from the package, all you have to do is grab the string and pull it from left to right and top to bottom to widen the tampon base. By doing this, it will create a protected pocket for your finger. Then you place your index finger in the little pocket and use your thumb and middle finger to get a firm hold on the tampon to insert it. If the tampon is in correctly, you shouldn’t feel it. If you do, just push it in further. You’ll get the hang of it in no time, and if you need more guidance, there’s a handy how-to-guide on the o.b.® website.

It’s better for the environment

On average, a person who menstruates will use up to 10,000 tampon applicators in their lifetime. To put that in perspective, that’s 22 times the height of Niagara Falls in Ontario and 85 times the height of Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse in Nova Scotia. Switching to o.b.® tampons will eliminate the immense amount of applicator plastic that ends up in landfills. The product comes with minimal packaging and a recyclable box, which means less waste overall so that we can show Mother Earth kindness even on our heaviest flow days.

It’s small but mighty

Less waste also equals more space. Ditching those plastic applicators leaves you with more room in your purse. These compact tampons are easy to take on the go and are small enough to fit in the front pocket of even your tightest jeans. But don’t be fooled by their small size – o.b.® provides eight hours of proven leak protection.

With all these benefits, switching to o.b.® tampons is the natural choice.

o.b. tampon box

o.b.® tampons, available at drugstores, grocery stores and amazon.ca

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